19 October 2011


Women Managers, to be more precise.

Yesterday, I was was cleaning out some old files; and came across the handbook I wrote for novice architectural project managers.  The copyright date is older than I care to admit, and I thought it might be interesting to see how badly the concepts might apply to current circumstances.

To my surprise, a high percentage holds up pretty well.  Upon reflection, this possibly has to do with the fact that good management has much to do with appropriate personnel relationships, and not so much about the current 'tools of the trade'.  A few sentences, however, jumped off the page as utterly inappropriate.  I referred to project managers as "men".

The context left little wiggle room for interpreting that I intended to be even-handed in the acknowledgement of women in the profession.  I'll blame two factors: 1. That was then (meaning that women were less prevalent), and 2. That was me then (i.e., less aware).

Bias is a bad thing.  I think, I may be a better person now.  Are you?

05 October 2011

A Most Sad Passing

For the third time in recent months, I find myself writing about the glorious impact of Steve Jobs.

Character, in every good sense of the word.  He will be missed.

A brief retrospective and eulogy in the blog format is pointless.  Brevity would be an injustice.  May he rest in the peace he has earned.