Actually I don't hate MY job; but Yahoo Education News thinks that many employers do! The beating up on Architects continues.
See a recent story at They continue to cite the following: "Recent architecture graduates had an unemployment rate of 13.9 percent." It used to be that I would counsel budding Architects to choose the profession not for the income potential, but rather for the job satisfaction. Now if Yahoo is to be believed, there is a one in seven chance that you can't even get the job satisfaction. (Of course, that's assuming the other six are enjoying what they are doing.)
Have Architects actually become the blacksmiths of the 21st Century? I hope not. But we are admittedly right now in low demand for conventional design services. Is this permanent? Not likely. Will the demand ever return to what it once was? Perhaps - but slowly, I suspect. Will the rewards of the profession be different? Without question.
OK, I can see that they may not want us; but do they really hate us? What do you think?