10 April 2014

I'm a Tipster!

I couldn't be more proud.

A few years ago, I was asked by a client to help with preparation for an important interview. I wasn't the only person asked to help. Alongside me I was Joanne Linowes. This was my introduction to a person with great insight on what it takes to make people and their companies stand out in presentation and interview settings.

I learned a great deal from the experience; and so too did our client, I believe.

Subsequent to that encounter, Joanne started a weekly newsletter she calls "Tip on the Tenth". I suggest you get yourself on the mail list right away. Head to http://goo.gl/RKEXqi.

But, why am I proud? Each month, she asks a question about presentation techniques to test your insight. If you're right, she lauds you in the the ensuing month. This month, I won. What a thrill.

You should see how lucky you could be. In any event, it's certain you'll learn some good stuff.