21 September 2011

An Alternative to LEED

Last night I attended a dinner and panel discussion hosted by the Connecticut chapter of Professional Women in Construction.  The panelists, all higher education facilities leaders, talked about many things, including their commitment to LEED certification.

One representative, like many others in Higher Education, talked about what they see as the overly prescriptive approach of the USGBC in its LEED certification program.  It was suggested that a more ethical and innovative approach is offered by the International Living Future Institute in its Living Building Challenge Certification Program.

The level of awareness of this program amongst the attendees was limited.  Perhaps it was who we were, or more likely it was the industry-wide dominance that has been afforded to LEED.  In any event, a Living Challenge building project has much to offer.  Check it out at https://ilbi.org/lbc

Are you carbon neutral?

05 September 2011


I'm in 'management'.  I know that many of you are too.  All too often, we fail to acknowledge the fact that our 'creations' are usually only made possible by the creative efforts of others.

Go to the Department of Labor (of all places), and this is what you see: "Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country."

A little hyperbolic perhaps, but the sentiment is valid.  Those of us who trade in words and concepts often should have a better appreciation for the skill, perseverance and commitment of our tradespeople at work.  True craftsmanship is a joy to behold.  The holiday is well earned.

Now, can I have one just for me?