20 November 2011

Human Capital?

Human Capital Management Trends and Innovations

Yuk.  If you're like me, you get lots of newsletters and email from industry vendors.  One recent one simply rubbed me the wrong way.  The lead was the text at the top here.

The email was a promo for a Webinar, sponsored by none other than ADP, the company in the payroll services business.  In fairness to ADP, they didn't invent the phrase.  Apparently (according to Wikipedia, at least) use of the term dates back to the mid 1950's.

Sure, there are definitions that explain what it's supposed to mean.  Warning - they don't all quite concur.  Regardless, in my view there are two annoyances: It falls into the trap of being less than plain-spoken; and, more importantly, it neuters the very real value of people.  Yes, humans are people.

It's bad enough that my scheduling program, has me categorize living beings as 'Resources'.  I want, for the most part, to stay connected to my coworkers.  Why use such management mumbo-jumbo?