09 April 2012

Now Presenting ...


Check it out: Linowes Executive Development Institute.  The very heady name for Joanne Linowes' organization devoted to coaching for quality presentations and professional development. Specifically - get her book The Savvy Presenter.  If you read this blog, you may recall that I won my copy by correctly answering her monthly quiz question.

I first met Joanne when a mutual client hired us to help with an important presentation. I was there because I knew the context. She knew HOW to present.  It was a stimulating experience.  I think I learned as much as our client, and I look forward to more encounters.

Her book - written in an appropriately breezy tone - claims to be organized around 100 tips. The fact is there is much more than that in the narrative. I thought I was experienced, but now know better. Tip #16: "Anticipate potential boomerangs" is one of my favorites.  In fairness to Joanne, you should buy the book to see what it's all about.

Find Joanne at www.lxdi.com and www.savvypresenter.com
You won't regret it.

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