MasterSpec inspired, CSI format, all the bells and whistles.
What I don't get, even though I'm doing it, is why has the whole thing has become so bloated. ASTM standards, certifications, references about every conceivable option and accessory, the legal mumbo jumbo about coordination and accountability, and all the expectations about fit & finish - it all can become quite intense.
The sad fact is that, in practice, many members of the building team read Part 2 - Products, and gloss over the General and Execution parts of the typical Section. Unless, of course, something doesn't work quite right. It seems like it's much longer than it needs to be, and all very archaic.
How about a General Condition that says "this is the date of our contract, each and every item on the job must meet the latest ASTM standard and Federal spec that applies to the required materials. The following describes what's needed:..."
OK, honestly, I'm looking for comments. Anyone have a better way? Chime in.
I'm working on a spec for an elementary school. By the time it's final and published, who knows how big - Maybe 1800 pages. All very official - owner directed,
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